She goes to the park
to see children her age play.
“If only I could feel
like them one day”
That is what she got taught to say.
In the end, she never cared enough to pray
Frank but understandable.
Rowdy but kind.
I'm just weird.
Enchanting yet evil.
Negative but intelligent.
Devil & helpful.
Sedate & quiet.
. DEAD .
Aw, don't worry,
a lot of kids with straight parents have two dads
. . .
one is usually dead
. JOKE .
I've gotten used to my insecurities,
my lumps & non-pretty things
Though still,
they joke about them
As if it is not my temple;
itself, they are insulting
What I think when people say:
Oh, I'm just joking
The trust you never had,
has been broken
Tell me, were you conscious
or lookin for nothin?
Cautious or neurotic?
The answer to this means nothing.
For the trust you never had,
has been broken
. DRIP .
I mean, I don’t know yall gals
Nor what caused those
smiles on your faces,
but I like your drip
. L I K E M E .
She is sure that only insecure
&/or predatory people would wanna date her
"No one would ever like me"
That's what she thinks,
& that's why she rejected me
. . .

. B A D .
I cry,
so you feel guilty.
I scream,
so you feel scared.
I lie,
knowing you'd never trust the truth again.
I cheated,
knowing you could fall, demolished & torn.
I laugh when you feel bad
. . .
Is this how you see me? Bad?
I don't live up to this expectation,
for I never broke the trust you never had
. . .

. B F F .
Do "real" friends rly exist?
I feel like they're only on the internet
. . .
I ghosted my real friends
when we couldn't meet in person.
Will I see them again
. . .